Text that reads 'Jesse Clark'

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Jesse Clark posing with blue facepaint on against a white background. Jesse Clark posing behind a rainbow jello cake with patterned facepaint on against a pink background. Jesse Clark posing blue and white cloud facepaint on against a sky blue background. Jesse Clark posing blue and white cloud facepaint on against a sky blue background. Jesse Clark posing with red and white graphic facepaint on against a sky blue background. Jesse Clark posing in drag on a balcony against a dim sky. Jesse Clark posing in drag on a private jet with a martini in one hand. Jesse Clark posing with black and white facepaint that resembles a mountain range against a white background. Jesse Clark posing with checkered black and white facepaint against a white background. Jesse Clark with white veiny facepaint and slicked hair against a white background. Jesse Clark in punk inspired drag leaning against a hand rail on a bridge over a freeway.